Restoration of Firebreaks in Northern Aberdares and Mount Kenya National Park
Consulting with Chyulu Hills National Park and Kibwezi Forest
Rhino Ark Trust
Sponsoring Firebreaks in Aberdare National Park and Mt Kenya National Park
Mt Kenya Trust
working closely to improve Fire Fighting capacity in collaboration with Rhino Ark and KWS
Creating Firebreaks in the Marania Forest
Creating Firebreaks on the Themwe Chogoria Road separating the Moorlands from the Forest
Establishing links with Wayleaves maintenance along pipelines especially in restricted areas like National Parks and Forests. Also to improve efficiency by reducing costs.
Kenya Forest Service
Working with KFS to exchange ideas on mechanization of Firebreaks creation in National forests especially in fire prone areas nationwide.
Community Forest Associations (CFAs)
Clearing degraded forest that are to be restored. These forests were cleared 20 years ago for farming. Today they form the frontline of human wildlife conflict situations since most of these forest are in Wildlife corridors for migrating animals. AEM Services provides mechanical clearing of invasive and alien plant species for purposes of restoration with indigenous trees.
Other Organisations and Conservancies we are in touch with
Eburru Forest
Sangare Conservancy – Mweiga